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Ralph & Chanesia Emerson

Ralph S. Emerson is a pastor, speaker, and author. He graduated from Florida A & M University with a BS in Business Administration and is currently pursuing theological studies at George W. Truett Theological Seminary.


He served as youth and young adult pastor, Executive Pastor of Next Generation Ministries, and church Executive Pastor of Rising Star Baptist Church under the leadership of his father pastor Ralph W. Emerson Jr. In addition to serving at Rising Star Baptist Church, Ralph served at CityGate Church in Burlington, North Carolina as the Executive Pastor for 5 years and as Senior Pastor of Impact City Church in Odessa, TX for almost 2 years. 



Lady Chanesia serves alongside her husband in worship and support. She is pursuing a Business Administration Degree from Texas Wesleyan University. She is a warm and humble person, passionate about worship, and uplifting of young women to pursue purpose. 


Ralph and Chanesia have been married since August 2009 and are the proud parents of two children Orien Christopher and Eden Gabrielle


Their heart is to see people’s faith transition from heart to hands. They want to see people boldly and enthusiastically fulfill the kingdom purpose God has put on the inside of them and affect the world.



Meet The Team

Leadership Standard

We Go First

(John 13, Matt 5:38-48)

We don't lead from the back with whips, we lead from the front with towels. We are vision carriers. We show up, sit close, and serve first.


We Are Stewards, Not Tenants

(Matt 25, Luke 19)

We are not occupying space in the body of Christ, but we invest, take care of, and take pride in what God has entrusted into us. 


We Are Consistent, Not Chameleons

(Prov 11:3, 21:3, 4:25-27)

Integrity is a part of who we are. We are who we are, regardless of where we are. We will behave based on what we believe. We will sacrifice our liberties for love. Our character will always speak louder than our words.

Vision Over Sight

(Hab 2, Acts 2)

We rally our ministries around the vision of the house. We put the vision before our preferences and personalities. We hold more to what HE said than what WE see.

We Have F.A.I.T.H.


We are Faithful, Available, Influential, Teachable, and Honest.




We Give "It" Away

(John 3:16)

We model after Christ in that we give. We are generous and sacrificial. We give it. What is it..? 

  • Tithe - We obey God's word about tithe and offerings

  • Talent - We demonstrate and use our gifts to build His kingdom

  • Time - We show up early, we stay late, and we are faithful

  • Treasure - We will use what we have to further what He wants

  • Temple - We only have one body. It's the Lord's. I can't lead if I am not living

  • Testimony - We unapologetically share our story and be a witness for Christ.

  • Terrain – We care for the property and place that God has allowed us to be stewards over. 


4216 Avenue M

Fort Worth, TX 76105



Mon - Thur: 9am - 5pm
Fri. & Sat: Closed
Sunday Worship:  10am

Transformation Sunday: 9am

Transformation Wednesday: 12pm & 7pm

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